In the bustling Horizon delivery center, six shining new Horizon yachts are being prepared for shipment to owners and markets around the world. With 16 yachts currently under construction at the Kaohsiung-based complex, the magnificent fleet awaiting delivery is further testament to the yard’s prowess on the world stage. Thirty years of yacht building experience has solidified Horizon’s position as a leading yacht manufacturer, recognized by experienced yachtsmen everywhere for the craftsmanship, technology and quality of each yacht build.
Of the six new builds in the delivery center, two are FD87 Skyline models — hulls 7 and 9. The FD (Fast Displacement) Series is known for its contemporary lines, efficient performance and spacious interior volume, which has attracted the attention of many seasoned owners — resulting in new orders — since it was first introduced in late 2016.
The remaining four yachts fall into the under-80ft category and comprise the V68 and E75 motor yachts and the PC52 and PC65 power catamaran models. The PC65 and the FD87 Skyline hull 9 will make their way to the United States to join the showcase appearing at the Palm Beach International Boat Show in March, 2019. The Horizon E75, FD87 Skyline hull 7, V68, and the two power catamarans will be delivered to owners in Australia, Europe, and the United States.
“Every member of the Horizon team is passionate about yacht building, and we are dedicated to a professional collaboration that incorporates the owner’s vision into each yacht project,” said Horizon Group CEO John Lu. “This is the primary reason for our competitive edge in the industry. 2018 was a very prosperous year for Horizon Group and we believe the momentum will continue in 2019!”